Monday, August 16, 2010

Insect Blog 8-16-10

Weather- Temperatures remain high 90-95 degrees Fahrenheit and rainfall extremely scattered statewide, as of today (8/16). Hay, pastures, peanuts and soybeans in many areas would profit greatly from rainfall. Most cotton fields are beyond benefit from water.
Fall Armyworms- Populations continue in hay, pastures and peanuts. However, in many south Alabama locations the previous generation has cycled out. Another generation may be possible 2-3 weeks ahead.
Tobacco Budworms- An extremely heavy moth flight and egg lay was observed on cotton in Seminole County, GA on 8/11. Only late planted conventional cotton will be at risk from this pest. However, it might be noted that budworms are now infesting soybeans in sizable numbers in some southern locations.
Podworms/Soybeans- Soybean growers should be very alert for corn earworm infestations on beans that are anywhere from R1-R7 (blooming to filled pods that are still green).
Bean Leaf Beetles/Soybeans- Several Tennessee Valley fields have subeconomic levels of bean leaf beetles in soybeans.
Lesser Corn Stalk Borer/Peanuts- Dr. Ayanava Majumdar, Extension peanut entomologist, has issued a high alert for LCSB in peanuts based on a sharp increase in moth numbers captured in traps. Counties in extreme southeastern Alabama are also very hot and dry, which is ideal weather for LCSB outbreaks.
New Registration (Belt)- Belt insecticide, marketed by Bayer, received registration on soybeans on 8/12. The label rate is 2-3 oz per acre. Belt has activity on most all caterpillar pests and is at its best on foliage feeders.